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Winter is here, but most SAC mountain huts stay open as shelters, you just need to bring your own food. This is also true for the Spannorthütte, which gives its name to this BitBox update.

Funnily enough, Swiss people did not have the inclination to climb their own mountains in the olden days. Many first ascents were achieved by Englishmen, as was the case for the impressive Gross Spannort massif in 1867.
How’s your stash doing?
Having your finances in order is no easy task. We believe that an overview of all your cryptocurrencies, and their total worth over time, displayed directly in the BitBoxApp can provide a convenient and powerful tool to help you manage your digital funds.
How to measure your portfolio’s worth is up to you: simply select the fiat currency of your choice, or use Bitcoin as your reference value. If you only hold bitcoins, you can choose to see how your stash is growing in bitcoin terms. You know, because 1 BTC will always be 1 BTC.

We want to respect your financial privacy, and that’s why the BitBoxApp does not submit any privacy-sensitive information when gathering historical price data. It only loads the exchange rates for the selected reference currency and calculates the chart and all balances locally.
The account overview is the base for some of the upcoming improvements on our roadmap:
- Better manage your accounts and currencies
We are working on a simpler system to manage your crypto accounts, where you will add new currency accounts to the sidebar. This also means that users of the BitBox02 Bitcoin-only version will never see any currency other than Bitcoin. - Multiple accounts per currency
Next on our roadmap is the option to create multiple accounts of the same cryptocurrency. That can help to keep funds separate for different purposes, or in case you manage funds for others. - Watch-only for BitBox02 accounts
We’ll also add the option to display account information like balance and transaction history in the BitBoxApp, even when the BitBox hardware wallet is not connected. You will of course not be able to send funds without connecting the device first, because the keys that are needed to sign transactions never leave the BitBox.
The list doesn't stop here, and over the next months we’ll continue to push development forward.Our goal is to make the BitBoxApp an easy to use, one-stop application for all your crypto needs.
Additional tokens and currencies
Thanks to open-source contributor PalinuroSec, there is now direct support for Pax Gold and Wrapped BTC in the BitBoxApp. Many thanks!
We also added the reference currencies Singapore Dollar (SGD) and Bitcoin. Thanks to our users for always bringing new ideas and feature requests to us!
We noticed that sometimes the BitBox02 would freeze if left sitting on the unlock or passphrase screens for too long. This firmware update fixes the issue.
Known issue: compatibility with latest Electrs release
With the latest release, the Electrum server implementation Electrs no longer accepts connections from clients that identify themselves as using protocol lower than 1.4. And although the BitBoxApp is compatible with the Electrum protocol version 1.4, it identifies itself as using version 1.2 to support older ElectrumX servers. This means that the BitBoxApp currently can’t connect to Electrs version 0.8.6, with full node projects like Umbrel (version 2.15) affected as well.
We are working on a fix to this and recommend holding off updating Electrs or your full node solution until we release it.
UPDATE: BitBoxApp v4.21.1 resolves this issue
How can I stay up-to-date?
We encourage you to sign up to the BitBox news to stay up to date with our latest news, including release notes and bug fixes.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thank you for your continued support.
Shift Team
Shift Crypto is a privately held company based in Zurich, Switzerland. Our international team of specialists across engineering, cryptosecurity and Bitcoin core development build the BitBox products and provide consulting services. The BitBox02, a second generation hardware wallet, equips individuals to easily store, protect, and transact cryptocurrencies. Its companion, the BitBoxApp, provides an all-in-one solution to securely manage your digital assets with ease.