The Electrum wallet is a powerful Bitcoin light client for Windows, Mac and Linux. It connects to an Electrum server of your choice and offers many advanced features. It can be used as a pure software wallet, with the private keys stored on your computer, but it truly shines with the BitBox02 hardware wallet.

Our guide series introduces you to Electrum, explains basic functionality, advanced concepts and how to create a super-secure multisignature wallet.

All with using the hardware security of the BitBox02.

Use the BitBox02 with Electrum wallet
BitBox02 ❤️ Electrum: part 1

Let's get started with Electrum, with this introductory walkthrough:

  • Installation and setup
    Install the software, select a server and connect your BitBox02
  • Receiving bitcoin
    Get paid in bitcoin, but safely!
  • Sending bitcoin
    Pay with bitcoin without letting your private keys touch your computer. Ever!

BitBox02: Advanced Electrum tricks you need to know
BitBox02 ❤️ Electrum: part 2

Learn to use advanced Bitcoin features:

  • Replace-by-fee
    pay a low Bitcoin transaction fee with the option to increase it later
  • Pay-to-many
    send one transaction that pays many recipients to minimize fees
  • Sign messages
    prove control of a Bitcoin address by signing with its key
  • Watch-only wallets
    monitor Bitcoin wallets without the ability to send
  • Sweep a paper wallet
    get rid of that old paper wallet to secure it properly

BitBox02 multisignature wallet
BitBox02 ❤️ Electrum: part 3

Learn how to use the best-in-class BitBox02 multisignature for Electrum multisig wallets for various use-cases:

  • Distribute responsibility: different people are controlling one key each, and every transaction needs to be signed by a predefined number of keys
  • Added security: one person controls all keys, but these are created on different computers or hardware wallets, avoiding a single point-of-failure
  • Added resilience: Multiple keys stored in different locations make the wallet more resilient against theft (e.g. one stolen key is not enough) and data loss (funds are still recoverable with a lost key)

The integrity of the whole multisig setup, including all co-signers, will be secured by the BitBox02 hardware wallet.

Don't own a BitBox02 yet?

The BitBox02 is available in a Bitcoin-only edition, with radically focused firmware. Less code means less attack surface which further improves your security when only storing bitcoins.

If you don’t own a BitBox02 yet, get one in our shop!