Bitcoin-Backups richtig sichern: 4 bewährte Methoden, die du kennen solltest Backup Bitcoin-Backups richtig sichern: 4 bewährte Methoden, die du kennen solltest Verbessere die Sicherheit des Backups deiner Crypto-Wallet mit diesen Tricks
How to keep your Bitcoin backup safe: 4 proven methods you should know Backup How to keep your Bitcoin backup safe: 4 proven methods you should know Improve the security of your wallet backup with these best practices
Come mantenere al sicuro il backup dei tuoi Bitcoin: 4 metodi che dovresti conoscere Backup Come mantenere al sicuro il backup dei tuoi Bitcoin: 4 metodi che dovresti conoscere Migliora la sicurezza del backup del tuo wallet con queste best practice
So funktionieren Bitcoin-Backups: 5 häufige Fehler, und wie du diese vermeidest Grundlagen So funktionieren Bitcoin-Backups: 5 häufige Fehler, und wie du diese vermeidest Wir erläutern die Grundlagen von Wallet-Backups, und wie du diese sicher aufbewahrst.
How Bitcoin backups work: 5 common mistakes, and how to avoid them Backup How Bitcoin backups work: 5 common mistakes, and how to avoid them We explain the basics of wallet backups and what's important to keep them save
Come funzionano i backup di Bitcoin: 5 errori comuni e come evitarli Backup Come funzionano i backup di Bitcoin: 5 errori comuni e come evitarli Spieghiamo le basi dei backup dei wallet e cosa è importante per tenerli al sicuro.
5 questions about Bitcoin hardware wallet security you’ve always wanted to ask Basics 5 questions about Bitcoin hardware wallet security you’ve always wanted to ask Thinking of improving your Bitcoin security with a hardware wallet? Start here, we've got you covered.
Roll your own Bitcoin seed Deep Dive Roll your own Bitcoin seed Learn how to create your own random Bitcoin hardware wallet seed with these easy step-by-step instructions.
Würfle deine eigene Bitcoin-Wallet Deep Dive Würfle deine eigene Bitcoin-Wallet Erstelle deinen eigenen wirklich zufälligen Bitcoin-Seed mit dieser einfachen Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung.
Wie man die BitBox02 mit Electrum Wallet benutzt Electrum Wie man die BitBox02 mit Electrum Wallet benutzt Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung: Teil 1
BitBox02: advanced Electrum tricks Electrum BitBox02: advanced Electrum tricks BitBox02 ❤️ Electrum: part 2
Use the BitBox02 with Electrum wallet Electrum Use the BitBox02 with Electrum wallet BitBox02 ❤️ Electrum: part 1
Best of both worlds: using a secure chip with open source firmware Hardware Best of both worlds: using a secure chip with open source firmware Learn how our unique security architecture does not compromise on transparency or security.
Il meglio di due mondi: un chip sicuro e un firmware open source Hardware Il meglio di due mondi: un chip sicuro e un firmware open source Scopri come l’architettura unica del nostro hardware wallet non compromette né la trasparenza né la sicurezza.
Wieso brauche ich eine Hardware-Wallet für meine Bitcoin? Grundlagen Wieso brauche ich eine Hardware-Wallet für meine Bitcoin? Ein digitales Geheimnis sicher aufzubewahren ist erstaunlich schwierig. Wir erläutern verfügbare Optionen und wann es sinnvoll ist, eine Hardware-Wallet zu nutzen.
Prepare your bitcoins. For your heirs. Basics Prepare your bitcoins. For your heirs. Stop. Think about your bitcoin. Are they lost if you’re gone tomorrow?
Why should I use a hardware wallet to keep my bitcoin safe? Basics Why should I use a hardware wallet to keep my bitcoin safe? Keeping a digital secret is surprisingly hard. We explain available options and why it makes sense to use a Bitcoin hardware wallet.
Perché dovrei usare un Hardware Wallet per mettere al sicuro i miei Bitcoin? Basics Perché dovrei usare un Hardware Wallet per mettere al sicuro i miei Bitcoin? In questo articolo, esploreremo le opzioni disponibili e spiegheremo perché ha senso utilizzare un hardware wallet per Bitcoin.
We need Bitcoin full nodes. Economic ones. Bitcoin We need Bitcoin full nodes. Economic ones. Why is it important to run your own Bitcoin full node to have a say regarding Bitcoin consensus and verify your own transactions? Learn how to do your part!